



●Outreach/Nurturing growth


●International Networking




■JCDN Goals and activities

●Cooperative System Development

⇒ JCDN Dance Reserve http://dance.jcdn.org/<Online Event Reservation Service>
● JCDN Active Members may take advantage of the JCDN dance reserve system free of charge to register information about their performances and workshops.
● General users may search and browse through dance performance and workshop listing and make reservations free of charge.

⇒ JCDN Dance Apartment http://www.jcdn.org/danceapartment/
Video messages from artists who plan to perform and show clips of actual performances as an advertising tool.
Supported by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

⇒ JCDN DANCE ON LINE SHOP http://jcdn.shop-pro.jp/
Currently selling JCDN active members dance products, Performance tickets for events produced by JCDN, DVDs produced by JCDN.

⇒ Composers for contemporary dance http://www.jcdn.org/music/
Contemporary dance uses the music of established composers, promotes new collaborative works between choreographers and composers, or introduces the composers who are interested in working with contemporary dance.

⇒ Dance appreciation Media
Through various media forms, such as video, DVD and CD-ROM, JCDN is attempting to broaden dance appreciation beyond the limits of one-time-only live performance and thereby popularize dance in society.

● December 2004, A dance DVD was produced and preparations made for sale to the general public. JCDN Dance Series @ We're Gonna Go Dancing!! ? Heya de Eiga wo Miruyouni, Dance wo Miyo - Let’s Watch Dance the Way You Watch Movies in Your Room. (filmed in 2001)
● May 2006, Release JCDN Dance Series. A dance DVD was produced and preparations made for sale to the general public. A DANCE×MUSIC! ? The new attempt for choreographers and musicians. (filmed in 2005)
● May 2006, Showed both We’re Gonna Go Dancing!! and DANCE X MUSIC at Saitama Video Dance 2006


Japan Contemporary Dance Network / 503 Opasu Shijo, 241 Shinmei-cho,Simogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8092 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)75-361-4685 / Fax: +81-(0)75-361-6225 / jcdn:jcdn.org / www.jcdn.org